【同义词辨析】 2019-03-07 相信belief-credit

belief: suggests mental acceptance but may or may not imply certitude in the believer: my ~ that I had caught all the errors.

faith: always suggests certitude even where there is no evidence or proof: an unshakable ~ in God. (certitude坚信implies a faith strong enough to resist all attack强烈的信念,如believed in his innocence with a fair degree of certitude坚信他是无辜的)   信念强调没有证据证明的情况下的坚信,否则不叫信念而是坚信,可用于对宗教对政治理想或对某个人

credence: suggests intellectual assent without implying anything about the validity of the grounds for assent: a theory given little ~ by scientists.

credit: implies assent on grounds other than direct proof: give no ~ to idle rumors.   credit card信用卡,其中的credit是表示信誉

belief相信: 表示认为真实,无论是否坚信,faith信念: 在没有证据证明的情况下坚信,强烈褒义,credence相信轻信: 表示缺乏任何依据,含贬义,credit相信声誉: 表示缺乏直接依据(但有间接依据,如信誉)

记忆方法: 1)首字母BFCC想成常常防备<==不相信    ""会意字,本意是"言语真实",引申为"诚实可靠信用确实",如信用表示"能履行诺言而使对方不怀疑"。这个字在战国时使用频率很高,广泛用于人名和封号,还用于"消息讯息",可能蕴含了对人言诚信的期望。

          2)相信的意思是认为真实mean to assent to the truth of something offered for acceptance.  assent同意赞同认同implies a belief involving the understanding or judgment and may apply to propositions or opinions不但相信而且还理解、判断,如potential members must assent to organization's credo成为会员前必须认同组织信条,如the director has given her assent to the proposals负责人已同意提案,如nobody would assent to the terms they proposed没人会同意他们的条件)